Friday, January 29, 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Model Edit

25 (minus a few months): DIN

Thursday, January 28, 2010

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Cabrillo National Monument San Diego

On the southern edge of hilly and lush green peninsula of Point Loma is Cabrillo National Monument. Arriving in the National Monument is paid for (we have Annuall Pass for National Parks) and ends at the Visitor Center parking lot, where a short trail leads to a large monument, which commemorates the landing of English explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in San Diego, who was the first European September 28, 1554 he reached the western coast of the present United States. Information Center offers film screenings, a large gift shop and stunning views of the bay. Slightly longer trail leads to the old lighthouse (The Old Point Loma Lighthouse) and Western points of view of the ocean during the period from November to March you can watch the migration of whales.

Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo - A Portuguese in English service - unfortunately, little is known about the early years of his life. Getting information about it appear in 1519 during the conquest of Mexico and Guatemala by the famous conquistador Hernan Cortes. Cabrillo fought as a captain of crossbowmen there in the battles with the Aztecs. After winning battles, Cabrillo joined the English military expeditions in today's southern Mexico, Guatemala, San Salvador, and eventually settled in the middle of 1530 years Gwatemali.W Cabrillo himself as a leading citizen of the city of Santiago in Guatemala. In 1532 he traveled to Spain where he met and married Beatriz Sanchez de Ortega. Cabrillo returned with her to Guatemala, where he was born two sons. In 1540 an earthquake destroyed the city of Santiago. Report on damage caused by the earthquake written by Cabrillo addressed to the English crown was the first known transmission of secular journalism written in the New Świecie.Cabrillo imported and exported goods, trading between Guatemala, Spain and other parts of the New World. Spain began to look to the north, with the intent to increase his empire. In 1542, Cabrillo led the first European expedition - to explore the west coast of the United States. From earlier results of expeditions - Francisco Ulloa, Hernando de Alarcón and Domingo del Castillo, was already known that California is not an island.

Cabrillo got an order from Pedro de Alvarado - Governor of Guatemala, on a cruise along the California coast under the flag of Spain. Cabrillo hoped to find a fabulously wealthy cities known as Cibola, believed that somewhere on the Pacific coast beyond New Spain, and - he will find roads linking the north Zz Pacific North Atlantic - non-existent "Straits of Annan." Cabrillo expedition began in the port of Navidad, near modern Manzanillo, on 24 June 1542. Cabrillo was accompanied by the crew of sailors, soldiers, Indians, black slaves, merchants, priests, and livestock for two years. The Portuguese had sailed 28 September 1542 for what he called "very well-protected harbor," which is now known as the Bay of San Diego, called it "San Miguel" (later renamed San Diego). Six days later, he left San Diego Bay cruise further north to explore the unknown coast California. His expeditions have helped Spain to continue the expansion of English colonization and empire. Cabrillo visited many islands along the coast - Santa Cruz, Catalina and San Clemente, and he could sail even further north to Oregon.

came to San Pedro on October 6, Santa Monica on October 9, the San Buenaventura 10th. In Santa Barbara arrived on October 13. On October 17 due to unfavorable winds Cabrillo he turned and hid on the island of San Miguel. Did not go further than the Santa Maria - until November 11. Taking advantage of favorable winds reached the "Sierra de San Martin" - Cape San Martin and Santa Lucia Mountains in southern Monterey County. Storms and strong storm separated the two ships belonging to the Cabrillo expedition. Failed to connect again 15 litopada, probably near Ano Nuevo north of Santa Cruz. The next day, the expedition reached the south, revealing the "Bahia de los Pinos" and "Cabo de Pinos. They are probably today's Monterey Bay and Point Pinos. Cabrillo -18 November turned south, passing snow-capped mountains (the Santa Lucias), and November 23 returned to the marina at San Miguel Island, where he remained for almost three months. Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo
died on January 3, 1543 year on San Miguel Island, and was buried probably on Catalina Island. He died from complications of a broken leg from falling during a short skirmish with the natives. Expedition on 18 February 1543 years already under the command of Bartolomé Ferrelo, turned to the north, with favorable winds, arrived on March 1 in the vicinity of Cape Mendocino, and March 5 returned to San Miguel Island. From there, the expedition turned south and came to Navidad on April 14, 1543.
Cabrillo National Monument

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trip to San Diego at the end was in doubt, a few professional matters to the end was unclear. I went south towards LA in the morning, I had to be morning in Huntington Beach. I chose the variety Highway 101 - a little longer than Interstate 5, but too often I went this route and the needed variety and there was a lot of time. I must admit that unless an apology is a hundred a One:) was nice, no traffic jams, and pretty quickly went through the whole episode. In the vicinity of Ventura, it started to get crowded on the road. Views the same as always, a route known almost by heart but still nice. I was afraid of just passing through Los Angeles (as usual Ciara pass on the shoulder at the thought of becoming a kilometer traffic jams). And what else:) A man catching up speed on the highway to park your car in California called the largest park in Los Angeles. City moloch and tear to Orange County is a massacre during peak hours. But I try to forget about it. The Huntington Beach inaczej zwanym Surf City wylądowałem przed 8 wieczorem. Miejsce do spania miałem zapewnione - poznałem przez internet małżeństwo Polaków mieszkające, nie znając mnie wcześniej osobiście zgodzili się mnie przenocować ZA CO BARDZO DZIĘKUJĘ :). Losy naszych rodaków bywają przedziwne i moi gospodarze okazali się bardzo ciepłymi i przyjaznymi ludźmi. Spędziłem bardzo miło czas w domowej atmosferze. Rano musiałem kontynuować jazdę w stronę San Diego. Odległość niewielka i spokojnie wybrałem drogę przy Oceanie.

Podziwiałem mijane Newport Beach, Dana Point i zatrzymałem in Laguna Beach. And I had a wonder this place! And I'm the type of man who is often on the spur of the moment makes a special election without worrying about:) A little on the crazy but whatever ... I'm really amazed by this intimate space, houses on hills, streets with small shops and beautiful beach ... If there is a chance it probably will move up here (in the plan is also in San Diego). Pacific Coastal Highway at some point turns into Highway No. 5 as I moved away slightly from the Pacific, I do not like (if you do not hurry) on the congested ride to admire the only cars in front of you or fences silencing the noise. After recent visits, I remember the ramp to the Tourist Information Centre, I always like to collect free maps and local guides to selected attractions. Equipped with a pile of colorful maps pisemek and went to the airport in San Diego, pick up the other members of the expedition. The airport is situated almost in the center and even a car specifically that you do not see until the overhead will be a huge plane landing what he's doing an amazing impression. In this tiny airport is not like to lose a car is easy and quite cheap. Summoning the crew went to visit he told not to waste the day. The city I know very well from previous visits so I will not describe the main attractions (previous posts).

The first one went Old Town - Old Town San Diego. The place is very charming and has a Mexican atmosphere for people from other states or countries are exotic, where there is no need to choose a neighbor to the southern border to experience the local charm. Old Town is located near the airport so I took a few minutes to reach. Admission is free and only the brick walls of the Old Town inscription informs us that we find ourselves in a place where in 1769 the first English osadnicy wybudowali fort i misję.

Miasteczko odtworzone jest w doskonałym stanie, budynki z cegły Adobe przyozdobione kaktusami mieszają się z drewnianymi domami w stylu znanym z westernów. Na każdym kroku czekają nas sklepy z pamiątkami i restauracje zrobione w meksykańskim stylu. Bardzo urokliwe miejsce. Okolice Old Town to skupisko małych muzeów i polecanych przez przewodniki restauracji zrobionych pod turystów. Powoli wróciliśmy do samochodu i ruszyliśmy do następnego punktu zaplanowanego na ten dzień czyli do Balboa Park.

Park zachwyca bujną roślinnością, okazami drzew, ogrodami, promenadami designated only for pedestrians and English colonial-style buildings. Is particularly noteworthy San Diego Museum of Man, towering over the beautiful park tower winning melodies. Along the main street of El Prado has one of the largest museums in America, so you can easily spend a whole day here. One of the main attractions is the nearby San Diego Zoo but We gave it yourself. Sunset found us in a huge fountain at the end of El Prado, it was time to go back and take it to our host for the night. Here a small digression. As a member of the community Couchsurferów or people offering accommodation in their homes around the world, I sent several queries to the people living in San Diego, the response was immediate and is left only to choose the right person:). This time we got to the Hillcrest neighborhood, and spent two days in a very nice guy former soldier of the Marines. Very nice neighborhood, lots of cafes, galleries and shops. This place is chosen for life itself (like the Castro in SF), gay men, so the district is calm and well groomed. Morning, we gathered and went without haste to implement the plan of the day.

first went Mt. Soledad, the hill with 360 ° views of the city. At the summit stands a large cross surrounded by commemorative plaques to the fallen American soldiers of all wars. Amazing view and pretty good visibility can be seen downtown. Since we were in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Jolla's famous with surfers and big waves is embarrassing to drive up the beautiful promenade stretching from the ocean.

On this day the waves were huge and there were too many daredevils on the boards. Beautiful scenery, lots of seals and pelicans and everything is covered with a light mist (mist) from the roztrzaskujących the cliffs of the waves. Left us to drive the streets and kept the ocean.

we stopped on the nearby beaches of Pacific Beach and Mission Beach. I like the atmosphere of this city, is just as I imagined California, completely different from San Francisco and surrounding areas. Here at least you can bathe almost all year round and the temperatures are perfect for me or heat up in January.)

the way back to the center have stopped at one of the best vantage points in the Downtown and ships moored at the quayside. Harbour Island offers spectacular views of Dr. day and night. Each photographer will appreciate this place. Now it is time to Point Loma and Cabrillo National Monument with a panoramic view across the bay and on a clear day you can see Mexico City (a description of the place in the next post.)

San Diego is a huge Navy base, so the whole time we were accompanied by the roar of fighter planes and helicopters flying. For the military maniac (I:) is a real paradise. Overview of the whole modern weapons live.

Moored at Navy Pier, a huge aircraft carrier USS Midway is a real gem and the point of mandatory, even for people niezaintersowanych military. Toll bridge to the island of Coronado Bridge, Coronado is quite a lot of fun. Part of the island occupied a military base and the rest is expensive residences and hotels.

is most famous Del Coronado, a massive turreted building in the Victorian style and moviegoers will remember this place from the movie "Some Like It Hot." On the beach adjacent to the hotel Coronado Beach spent the last moments of the day and lived to one of the prettiest sunsets I've ever seen!

Then we drove to the opposite side of the island to admire the panorama of San Diego with another perspective. Then walk left the center and the famous Gaslamp District where you are located all imprezownie city. Very nice place and all that you can visit without a car.

Thus, for San Diego to get to know not just one or two days - the need for a minimum of a week or ... removal of the very hard I think. Morning, we waited for quite a way to overcome so we returned to our host for the night. San Diego remains a lasting memory, is different than other cities in California ...
San Diego 2010

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expansion of the Railway Museum, Warsaw Main, Warsaw, project Equally made with Konrad Rakowski

Existing situation


our main task was to create an attractive environment in the city center associated with the expansion of the Railway Museum.

main element of composition is a space located under a roof of a roof integrated with the design of the supports. Our intention was to introduce a passerby on the Square Zawisza, open space while the complex with the museum exhibit. A second entrance to the complex is located on the side of Post Office Street. Commodity 5, in place of the present parking lot. At this point, we keep its original function of the existing footprint, and paving (paving stones) and through two buildings and shelter reduced to maintain the space in three dimensions to form the passage. This passage leads to the old mail platform within which we decided to show how she looked old railway station.

Foundation is an open space draft national ajar two buildings: the north-new building, museum, south-office building forming the closure of one created new public space. Old station remains intact in the form.

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Nordea Bank headquarters, Warsaw railway station in

entrance hall

plot designated for the project is located at the crossroads: Chmielna and Iron. Setting

are predominantly 4-6 storey buildings, some of which is intended for demolition. My intention was to create a simple but solid element having a characteristic, distinctive from the surrounding, rather monotonous but elegant, urban tissue. Therefore, the simple form of cut "crystal", undoubtedly arousing associations with the Scandinavian countries.

The dark and reflective glass facade wanted to get interesting reflections and light effects that make the building will change with time of day. Interiors are flexible and easy to arrange, as part of a central area of \u200b\u200bopen space, located in the southern part offices, on the top floor, the offices of the Directorate. However, part of the northern light underexposed immediate evacuation cover staircase, toilets and meeting rooms. The building has three floors underground, the function of leadership is a function of the total number of parking places: 63 The entrance is from the street. Chmielna.

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Arkadiusz, Poland

Diploma project: Bachelor in Science in Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, supervisor: prof.dr.hab.inż.arch. Zygmunt Szparkowski

The project purpose is spaciousness and clarity funcional. In the Practical aspect, the building was designed Mostly underground. The Leading
axis forms the entrance, through the main hall an underground section (where are the exits are platforms) and then to the other side of the railway track, is the project improves assumption.That pedastrian crossing by binding two parts of the city . This layout Enables quick orientation WHERE and how to go.

Legionowo, a district town in Mazowieckie, Warsaw located in the Valley, approximately 22 kilometers north from the center of the capital, is the seventh most populated city in the province of Mazowsze.
Legionowa population is increasing, spurred by the construction of numerous housing estates, where housing prices are much lower than in Warsaw. Due to the nature of the city satelicki, rail transport could be a main mode of transportation in daily commuting to the capital of one thousand legionowian who largely work in Warsaw. Unfortunately, guiding the transport remains wheeled transport. The consequence is the increasing traffic jams, and consequently, more and more noise.

idea of \u200b\u200bthe train is its spaciousness and transparency functional. Building practical reasons posadowiony was partly below ground level.
assumption is an axis leading from the main entrance of the hall to the underground portion of which goes to the platforms (escalators, elevators) and on the other side of the tracks, which streamlines communications by combining two parts of a walking city. This enables a passenger to quick orientation where and how to reach.
building in addition to basic functions, also has additional services. Were designed a small café, pastry shop, kiosk, or a place where you can access the Internet. They have been designed to allow a continuous modification. Intentionally also found in parts of ground to enable the expectation in part illuminated at the same time giving shelter from bad weather conditions.

Part zapleczowa station is located in the underground section. It includes technical areas (main switching station, water supply, wentylatornie), money, social room, Railway Protection Service and the toilet for passengers.
There is also a second entrance from the north-east. This arrangement allows for efficient functional maintenance around the station and the station.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

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Valley of Fire Expedition Hoover Dam

How nice to spend New Year's Eve and New Year? Certainly in a nice place:) The proposal to visit my favorite park in the U.S. which is Valley of Fire in Nevada was adopted unanimously. Left to get from San Francisco to Las Vegas as soon as possible. We left late in the afternoon and actually in the evening and we arrived just after 2am. Fortunately, our friend who traveled at the same time, the southern part of California has decided to spend with us the other day and stopped for the night in Boulder City and we benefited from his hospitality and upchaliśmy in a small room with 5 people. Morning sun was shining and the weather was like at the end of December was hot. For starters fell on the Hoover Dam, which was located "just around the corner."

As for me, this is not a landmark, many tons of concrete somehow captivates me. We were telling quite sluggishly after watching the tape giving the entire structure of the energy needed for lighting the entire Las Vegas. Construction of the bridge, which will relieve firewall from vehicular traffic, moving at a pretty good pace. View of Hoover Dam from a height of the bridge will be doing an impression of hell. We gathered up the road to Vegas, and it was not far away and so we got special traffic quickly. We parked at New York Casino and we went after Stripie posnuć and casinos. Slowly the people were put in a mood of New Year's Eve and all the municipal services were preparing to adopt the streets of thousands of people. The evening we returned to the pre-booked hotel to recuperate a little before nightfall. Again, tight ... but we managed.

Jakoś po 22 wyszliśmy "w miasto". Większość ulic prowadzących do Stripa była zamknięta dla ruchu samochodowego i było całkiem przyjemnie maszerować środkiem drogi. Niemiła niespodzianka czekała nas na miejscu. Władze miasta postanowiły postawić barierki na biegnące przez środek Las Vegas Blvd i tak naprawdę dla pieszych pozostało troszkę więcej niż... chodnik. Policja reagowała szybko i zabierała szklane butelki! Pozostało przelewać napoje do kubeczków... Jakoś nie czułem nastroju. Pomysł miałem żeby dotrzeć na Fremont Experience gdzie zawsze jest ciekawa zabawa ale niestety nie udało się break through the wild crowd. At times it was not enough to miss the panic and the crowd trampled one another. I was stuck for several minutes in the grip of a human storm. I could not move. It is time to 12 o'clock and fireworks.

We got lost and unfortunately, the climax, everyone enjoyed the new year, squeezed in a crowd. One of the worst New Year's Eve in the life ... happens. Somehow we managed to quickly find and get out of the trap. Relief amazing. Drinks that we had proved to be quite strong and began to give of himself know. Left get through to the hotel. Small skirmishes with the taxi driver, who made a round around the city trying to stretch us. Heavy morning hangover and a trip to the Valley of Fire. After less than 40 minutes of driving I-15 we were on the spot.
described the place early on so I will confine myself to a few things. The valley is incredibly magical colors and rock formations are breathtaking. After a few meters beyond the entry stopped for rock climbing. Climbing is very easy and the texture of rocks is prepared to do and keeps us as Spider-Man:). Then got to the campsite reserve your place, it appeared that there was no problem with that. Are matching a nice refuge obscured by the human eye. Here, excess, that is the most wicked camper I have seen such places on the tent that we felt like in a fairy tale. I recommend Walk-in Campground. These are a few places but so isolated, so intimate that you feel really great. This is a must see!. After the break we started exploring Park tent.

few wandering paths, some quite distant and worth the effort, some so hidden that you can only get accident. An incredible feast for the eye and soul. The magic of the place does not allow to pass by and have not heard of other words as soon as enthusiasm over the place. Nowhere so hurry pozwalaliśmy a long rests. The days were very warm and even hot and the nights very cold but not frosty. So the fire was quite nice. Our shadows on the wall of a blood red in the middle of the night created a wonderful atmosphere. The moon shone so brightly that it has continued on without flashlights. Mornings were divine, the rising sun slowly kolorowało rocks, which slowly began to burn! What a fabulous colors and saturation! I climbed on top of one of the hills and admired the panoramic view of the place, I found several natural small rooms with windows where you can safely spend in the summer. Rocks create amazing shapes and resembles a cave - a fabulous holiday. Honestly there are no words to describe it. Time went by and it was time to return. Again, traffic jams at the exit from Vegas ... art bypass congested roads and transit by Bakerfield (which nobody saw So I guess the rumors about the existence of this city have not been confirmed.) Interstate 5 and the number ... in the morning at home. One thing is certain yet time is not planning to return to the Valley of Fire ...

Valley of Fire Expedition 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

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Hoover Dam, it is apparently one of the most recognizable places in the U.S. and more tourist attraction which is visited each year from 8 to 10 million people. Dam was completed in 1936 after five years of construction and named after Herbert Hoover, U.S. president, who played an important role in its founding. In the years 1933-1947 the official name of the dam was Boulder Dam. It is located in a narrow canyon of the Colorado River on the border states of Nevada and Arizona. Dam rises to 224 meters which is roughly the amount of 70-storey skyscraper, has a width of 379 meters. Once it formed the northern side of the Lake Mead, one of the largest man-made reservoirs of the world. The length of the lake is 177 km, a length of 1323 km of coastline.

for the construction of the dam was needed 2.5 million cubic meters Concrete, which is sufficient to build a two-lane highway from San Francisco to New York, and it took 8.2 million tons of stone. Firewall has so much steel as the Empire State Building, and is so thick and strong that it would have to be curved, and it was so tough the water pressure. Hoover Dam is the second highest dam in the country and 18 of the highest in the world. Water supply hydroelectric power station generates 4 billion kilowatt-hours per year and its maximum capacity of 2080 MW. This massive power supplies huge Las Vegas and surrounding area, and much of the energy produced is transmitted through 428 km to Los Angeles and Southern California. Once inside find barrier the boundary line between Nevada and Arizona with informational plaques placed and clocks showing the current time in your state (from November to March is one hour difference - and you can greet the New Year twice:).

visitors a place to park their cars in the garage paid a huge star on the side of Nevada or at the free points of vantage on the side of Arizona that is a much better option. You can also visit the dam inside and just pull off the escalator to the Visitor Center, where for $ 30 you can go on the trip.

When creating a new Hoover Dam - a great bridge between two steep banks at its base, which will reduce the current passage through the barrier and increase the capacity of roads connecting 93 Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada.

new bridge is useful, since after the September 11 attacks the federal government withdrew from the Hoover Dam and the transit of trucks have set before entering the inspection which causes huge traffic jams (more cars, buses and Vans are meticulously checked, at times, that I had to remove all the contents of the suitcase and show!). Passage is to be 600 meters long. Its common name is Hoover Dam Bypass. The proposed name is Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (the first was the governor of Nevada, the second football player in Arizona, who died in the war in Afghanistan). The distance of the bridge from the dam is 490 meters. In the future, tourists will be able to park at the bridge and explore it. However, the firewall will not see a driver passing a bridge. The bridge will cost a total of $ 240,000,000, and its completion is planned for this year.

Hoover Dam