Friday, March 12, 2010

Motivation Letter Culinary Arts

Secrets of San Francisco: "Slots"

first emergence of a mechanical random Games - commonly called 'one-armed bandit "is connected with the figure of Charles Feya and the city of San Francisco. Born in 1862 in the small Bavarian town Vohringen August Fey (later changed his name to Charles / Charles) have always been interested in machines and mechanics. At age 15 he left his hometown and went to France and then to London where he spent the next five years, he worked creating navigational instruments. After some time, decided to try his luck overseas, saved enough money and sailed to America, where he lived with his family of his uncle in New York. Heavy, cold climate of the northeast has led to the departure Feya to California. The summer of 1885 years came to San Francisco where he quickly found work at the California Electric Works Company (he was 25 years old). Shortly thereafter, he married Marie Volkmar with whom he had three daughters and a son. Fey all her free time devoted to work on gaming machine having a slot for coins. There have been other coin-operated machines, but none have paid the winnings in cash. Fey tirelessly worked on his invention, and in the year 1894 (1895?) Finished his work. Founded machine Liberty Bell, "which differed from the existing structure at that time the possibility of paying in cash prizes. Feya prototype using the lever to start the game, and consisted of three drums with ten different pictorial symbols. Known today, hearts, bells, and the peaks appear on Feya original project. The first slot machine paid out the most random when the drums came up three rings. Feya existed before the invention of other gaming machines, whose operation was based on lucky hits. Most of these devices allow win free drinks and cigarettes if they managed to draw the right combination. None, however, did not give winnings in cash. In 1909, gaming machines were declared illegal in San Francisco, and in 1911 was banned throughout California. For the next forty years has changed only the outer form of the machine, but inside they were still mechanical devices, often acting in a masterpiece of precision mechanics. He was making the company producing these devices, ranging from Mills Manufacturing, founded by Charles Feya, through its Bally, the undisputed leader in the production slot until the 70s of the twentieth century. Liberty Bell can be seen today in Reno, Liberty Belle Saloon. Charles Feya
Workshop located at 406 Market Street (1897 to 1906), where there are currently a bronze marker (marker number 937) is commemorating the event - a small island on the road, north side of Market Street between Bush and Battery streets.


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